Phone delivery : 27210-93052 (10:00 - 15:00)

In case you are not satisfied with the product / s you received you can replace it or get your money back. The above applies to orders and products that comply with the following terms:

- Changes are accepted within 14 days from the date of receipt and only by presenting the purchase receipt or change card. Proof of the date of receipt is the stamp of the courier, your printed or electronic signature.

- The product / s should be in excellent condition, the same as the original, not worn, have all the labels, without damage, stains or alterations.

- The product must be returned in its original packaging and where protective cases are provided they must be returned as part of the product.

- The product must have been purchased from

- All changes are based on the purchase price. Cases of change in color and / or size in the same product code are excluded. The same applies in cases where the purchase is made with the use of a promotional coupon or after the application of a discount.

- In case of return of more than 1 product related to the same order should be sent all together and at the same time.

The ways to change are the following:

In case of return of a defective product or due to an error in your order from us (receipt of another product from the one you had ordered), provided that all of the above are met for the product.

First contact us to clarify the return procedures.
If you have received a defective product you need to send us a photo or video (depending on the type) so that we can accurately convey the manufacturer for the product problem.
Carefully pack the product so that it is protected during shipping.
In case the return is due to a defective product or the receipt of a product error, the return of the returned product is done by elta courier and you are not charged with any additional shipping charge.
In case you want to return the product because you change your mind, if all the above conditions are met, the shipping costs will be borne personally by the customer if you choose a transport company of your choice. Alternatively if you choose elta courier your charge for small volume parcels will be 5.00.

Caution! In any case, do not make any return action without contacting us at or at 27210-93052 for your best service.

Manufacturing defect of products

In those cases where there is a defect in the product you have the right to return the product you bought and request its replacement with another product or products up to the amount of the price you have paid or with an additional price if you wish, within 14 calendar days from receipt of the product. The return of the product is free from all over Greece, always after consultation with the customer service department 27210-93052 (Tuesday - Thursday - Friday 9: 00-21: 00) & (Monday - Wednesday - Saturday 9:00 - 15:00 ). The return will be made exclusively with a courier that cooperates with our company, to which our seller will indicate.

Order cancellation

For any order cancellation before sending and delivery to courier you should contact by phone at 27210-93052 stating your Order Number.